Good stress is still stress…

anx·i·e·ty aNGˈzīədē/ noun 1 a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Worry, nervousness, unease about an imminent event. This is my current state of mind, my head space. Ughh, I hate it. So what has placed me into this uneasy zone of dread and … Continue reading Good stress is still stress…

Diary of an extroverted introvert.

I am an extroverted introvert. Yes. You read that correctly, even if you had to read it 3 times. I am this. This is me. My social excitement and love for humans may quickly place me in that box of extroverts who lives for the lime light, when in reality, my introverted self just desperately … Continue reading Diary of an extroverted introvert.

Home, foster care….faith

Home. This is a word so many of us take for granted, waste away, and become entitled to. But home is a gift, home is a chance. A chance for hope to breath into your life. A chance for dreams to be created. A chance for love to be shared. After experiencing several miscarriages I … Continue reading Home, foster care….faith

Agree to disagree….

How many times have you had to say, "lets agree to disagree", just to end a heated conversation with a friend, family member or spouse? It generally falls into the category, 'no matter what your stance, it is not mine.'  Stubborn is a trait I can manifest and allow to  grow in my soul, keeping me … Continue reading Agree to disagree….

Happiness not required. 

Why is it that we feel this desperate need to always be happy.  Me included.  As if happiness is the end goal and if we aren't there then we have failed?  While happiness is a beautiful feeling, intoxicating even, it isn't realistic to be in this state at all times.  In fact, I believe that … Continue reading Happiness not required. 

Accountability, hope….healing

If we don't have accountability, really...what do we have?  Speaking from my own list of shortcomings and flaws, I will give you what I have: overspending indulgence selfish desires, wants, "needs" lack of community lack of awareness to our community....yes, I "see" you, but do I SEE you or just pass by wishing there was … Continue reading Accountability, hope….healing