I’m a wife, a mom, a student, a disciple. Words complete me.  This is my voice, my heart, my ministry.  I’ve been writing since I was a small child but didn’t truly begin “writing” until 4 years ago when my whole world fell apart.  My writing is inspired by my 3 beautiful earthly babies, my 3 angel babies and by all you moms in the world that wake up each day putting one foot in front of the other. Making things happen. Making life happen.  Making love happen.  I’m gonna reference a lot of scripture because to be honest, that is my greatest teaching tool.  It is my truth.  It is my lifeline.  Whether you are a believer or not is not important, I just pray the words on these pages reach those who need to read them.  If there happens to be a verse written after it, so be it, but that is just the source, you are the purpose.

Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me.  I hope to bring you into a space of comfort, happiness and freedom. To embrace life with love and drown out all the noise that will stop you from getting there.



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